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Louis-Jacques Suignard

Né en 1962 à Châteaulin, pays Rouzig,  Cornouaille, Finistère, installé en Trégor depuis 1973.

Chanteur, auteur, compositeur, poète, conteur, formateur.

Ganet barzh gwele ma mamm, e 1962, e Kastellin, Bro Rouzig, Kerne, Penn ar Bed, adgwriet e Bro dreger e 1973.

Saver sonioù, tonioù ha kaner, barzh, konter, kaner hengounel, stummer.

Born in 1962 in Kastellin, Brittany Southern Cornwall, in Bro Dreger since 1973.

Singer, songwriter, poet, storyteller, traditional singer and teacher.

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